I have done some research on this in the past and ended up implementing this approach [pdf] in Python. The final version I implemented also did some cleanup prior to applying the algorithm, like removing head/script/iframe elements, hidden elements, etc., but this was the core of it.
Here is a function with a (very) naive implementation of the "link list" discriminator, which attempts to remove elements with a heavy link to text ratio (ie. navigation bars, menus, ads, etc.):
def link_list_discriminator(html, min_links=2, ratio=0.5):
"""Remove blocks with a high link to text ratio.
These are typically navigation elements.
Based on an algorithm described in:
:param html: ElementTree object.
:param min_links: Minimum number of links inside an element
before considering a block for deletion.
:param ratio: Ratio of link text to all text before an element is considered
for deletion.
def collapse(strings):
return u''.join(filter(None, (text.strip() for text in strings)))
# FIXME: This doesn't account for top-level text...
for el in html.xpath('//*'):
anchor_text = el.xpath('.//a//text()')
anchor_count = len(anchor_text)
anchor_text = collapse(anchor_text)
text = collapse(el.xpath('.//text()'))
anchors = float(len(anchor_text))
all = float(len(text))
if anchor_count > min_links and all and anchors / all > ratio:
On the test corpus I used it actually worked quite well, but achieving high reliability will require a lot of tweaking.