I don't know how to mount a remote directory "remote_dir" on computer "remote", having remote gid "wgrp". Help is welcome.
me@local$ sshfs me@remote:/remote_dir remote_as_wgrp ...wanted_options...
A workaround is to create a new user "me_wgrp" belonging to group "wgrp". But the problem seems conceptually so simple that I'm sure there is a solution.
I'm able to connect using ssh on remote compute, and then to change my gid:
me@local$ ssh me@remote me@remote$ newgrp wgrp
Now I can create files in directories which are only writable by the group "wgrp".
I have tried
sshfs me@remote:/remote_dir remote_as_wgrp -o ssh_command='newgrp wgrp'
but sshfs seems blocked.
Also, if I try
ssh me@remote 'newgrp wgrp'
ssh doesn't give the prompt, but it accepts commands.