




I want make a haskell function can pick out random number from a given list. there type are

randomPick :: [a] -> a

what should i do ?

+12  A: 

What you've described can't be done in pure functional code.

Pure functional code implies that you will get the same output for the same input, every time. Since a randomizing function, by definition, gives you different output for the same input, this is impossible in pure functional code.

Unless you pass around an extra value as explained in @camccann's answer. Technically, it doesn't even have to be as advanced as an RNG, depending on your needs. You could pass around an integer, and multiply it by 10 and subtract 3 (or whatever), then take the modulo of that to find your index. Then your function remains pure, but you do directly control the randomness.

Another option is to use RandomRIO to generate a number in a range, which you can then use to select an index from the list. This will require you to enter the IO monad.

Mark Rushakoff
can I make a other function like is :randomChoices :: [a] -> a randomChoices xs = randomIO (makeIO xs) makeIO :: [a] -> IO [a]makeIO = error " none "randomIO :: IO[a] -> arandomIO = error " none " if so how ?
No, that's not possible either; while `makeIO :: [a] -> IO [a]` is just `return`, there's no function with type `IO a -> a`—there's no way to leave the IO monad once you've entered it. This is because, as Mark said, Haskell is pure: you can't change the values of variables, and so every time a function is given an input, it must always return the same output. Since `IO` is a pure way of representing actions which, when taken, might (seem like they) mutate things, it must be un-destructurable, and this is enforced by its definition being hidden and the lack of a function from `IO a -> a`.
Antal S-Z
+10  A: 

Part of the definition of a "pure" function in Haskell is that it is referentially transparent, that is, interchangeable with the result of evaluating it. This implies that the result of evaluating it must be the same every time. Ergo, the function you want isn't possible, I'm afraid. To generate random numbers in Haskell, a function needs to do one of two things:

Take and return a pseudorandom number generator, e.g.:

randomPick :: RNG -> [a] -> (a, RNG)

Or use IO to access randomness from "the outside world":

randomPick :: [a] -> IO a

Both styles are provided by the module System.Random. Also, in the former case, passing the PRNG around can be abstracted out using the State monad, or perhaps a special-purpose Random monad.

Yes, do see MonadRandom (linked in this answer) - I came here specifically to mention that if it wasn't already here.
You can also use QuickCheck's "Gen" monad as a handy ready-baked implementation. Amongst other things it has the required function already implemented.
Paul Johnson

If you want to use random number generators in purely functional code but not have to explicitly pass around generator state then you can use state monad (or monad transformer) and hide the plumbing. State monads are still referentially transparent and it's safe & normal to escape a state monad. You could also use the ST monad if you want true local mutable safe that is purely functional on the outside.

Here is some useful code I wrote and use sometimes:

rand :: (Random a, RandomGen g, MonadState g m) => a -> a -> m a
rand lo hi = do
    r <- get
    let (val, r') = randomR (lo, hi) r
    put r'
    return val