



What are the best practices to configure Zend Lucene to make the search results more relevant?

i have the following fields and document type

 productname (Text)
 description (Text)
 category (Keyword)

Please give some sample codes.


Getting relevant result from any search engine is hard work. With the level of detail you specify, it is hard to give you any specific advice. I suggest you start with this paper.

Yuval F

There are two concepts that come to my mind with your question, yet not sure exactly what you're looking for.

Score: A rating that indicates to what extent a document matches the search query. From the manual:

Zend_Search_Lucene uses the same scoring algorithms as Java Lucene. All hits in the search result are ordered by score by default.

$hits = $index->find($query);
foreach ($hits as $hit) {
    echo $hit->id;
    echo $hit->score;

The score is by default retrieved and applied to order the results from more to less relevant, thus it must be assumed that you need something else.

Term Boosting: Used to influence the relevance of individual terms within a query. Quoting once more the manual:

Boosting allows you to control the relevance of a document by boosting individual terms. For example, if you are searching for

PHP framework

and you want the term "PHP" to be more relevant boost it using the ^ symbol along with the boost factor next to the term. You would type:

PHP^4 framework

This will make documents with the term PHP appear more relevant. You can also boost phrase terms and subqueries as in the example:

"PHP framework"^4 "Zend Framework"

Does this help at all?
