



What is the most standard encryption technique used in sql server for c# enterprise level application? . i am talking with respect to standards like md5 or sh1 etc, hashing

+2  A: 

What you describe is called hashing, not encryption.

I think you can use some form of SHA-2, possibly after concatenating with a 'salt' string. Most common platforms provide built-in functions for such hashing algorithms. Details:

+1  A: 

I've generally found Md5 (with salt) to be quite common.


I've seen time and time again, where the login page(s) are done via standard http! This is a bigger concern then someone hacking into web-server/ SQL box and getting hold of the passwords.

Read about the Cookiemonster Attack for more information regarding 'Man in the Middle' type security issues.

+1  A: 
  • Enterprise applications don't store passwords. They use NTLM/Kerberos integrated security and rely on impersonation and constrained delegation to secure access end-to-end.
  • Hashing and/or encryption as a means to protect against accidental media loss is much better served with Transparent Data Encryption, which encrypts an entire database transparently.
  • Password hashing against a compromised host disclosure of passwords which opens the potential of password reuse on unrelated sites can use built-in hashing functions like HashBytes. As long as the hash is properly used (correctly salted). But with a compromised host the battle is already lost.
Remus Rusanu