




I am running into some weired issues with MOSS 2007 crawler not picking up some site collections. I have a couple of site collections using a custom site definition created under a managed path, for instance http: //server/clients/crawlthis

The search settings has start address for the content source set to http: //server/ with no crawl rule defined. The search account was assigned full read access to all of the sites and I can log in into these sites with the search account.

so when I kick off the crawl, it never picks up any content from any of the site collections and I am getting the following message in crawl log

The object was not found. (The item was deleted because it was either not found or the crawler was denied access to it.)

keep in mind that the site does exist and I can log in with the search account. After digging into the Sharepoint log files I can spot a few lines that might have something to do with this issue

CHttpAccessorHelper::InitRequestInternal - unexpected status (404) on request for 'http://server/clients/crawlthis/Pages/Home.aspx'. - File:d:\office\source\search\search\gather\protocols\http\httpacchelper.cxx Line:467 
CSTS3Accessor::Init fails, Url sts3://server/siteurl=clients/crawlthis/siteid={97e2c292-a53e-4364-90b8-eb6d3e08f73b}/weburl=/webid={49eba753-a186-4465-94fa-c1bb30ec5bc6}, hr=80041201 - File:d:\office\source\search\search\gather\protocols\sts3\sts3handler.cxx Line:238   

Just to make things more interesting, I created a test site with the same custom site definition without using the managed path http: //server/sites/crawltest. this site collection and its content all get crawled. I am assuming it is not related to the custom site definition.

I also have a staging environment with the same setup, i.e sites under /clients/ and they all get crawled fine.

I hope I have described my problem clear, Anybody have any pointers on this one?