



Is PHP scalable enough to grow a project into something large?

(Yes, I am aware of Facebook, maybe there are other examples?)

+2  A: 

Yes, PHP scalable enough to grow a project. Why facebook is not enough to proof?

Col. Shrapnel
Facebook's front facing parts may be in PHP, but the rest (their business logic, backend processes, etc) is not. They actually wanted to rewrite the interface in Python a few years ago, but decided it was too huge of a task...
Alex JL
I like that "may be" :)
Col. Shrapnel
+1  A: 

short answer: yes. There are quite a few large sites that run in PHP. Besides Facebook, Wikipedia and Flickr(I think) come to mind.

you can also see the list of large sites built in drupal, which is written in PHP.

+3  A: 

Yep. I'd venture to guess that Amazon's scalability has more to do with the architecture, caching/write mechanisms, and heavy usage of EC2 and S3 then their chosen language.

Agreed, you'll spend a lot more time worrying about caching and databases.
Alex JL