



I have a context menu, that I'd like to change the Header based on whether the Control Key is pressed or not.

Right now I have,

<MenuItem Header="Send To">
  <MenuItem ... />
  <MenuItem ... />

I'd like based on the Control Key being down to be,

<MenuItem Header="Move To">
  <MenuItem ... />
  <MenuItem ... />

All I really need to do is change the Header text, because inside the code I know how to check for the Modifier key being Control.


Bind the Header to some property in your view model, and have it change (with notification) when the modifier key is pressed.

Aviad P.
I've tried this Aviad, but I can't seem to get it to work. I can update the title of the application, and it switches back and forth with control being down/up. But the header in the context menu doesn't change, in fact it is blank. Here is what I have.<ContextMenu DataContext="{Binding ElementName=winMain, Path=myContextMenu}" KeyDown="KeyDown_Handler" KeyUp="KeyUp_Handler"><MenuItem Header="{Binding Path=SendTo, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}">...myContextMenu is a class that echo's property change events for the SendTo propertyDo I have the binding coded correctly?
Chuck Savage
Nop, the binding is not correct, it's a XAML namespace issue. The object referenced to by the `ContextMenu` property of whatever element it's applied to, does not belong to the namespace of the window. Therefore you can't use `ElementName` binding on it and have it refer to the window.
Aviad P.
Some more clarifications: The `ContextMenu` cannot paricipate in any logical or visual hierarchy, therefore it does not inherit any `DataContext` nor is it part of the namespace of its so-called 'container' since it's not really its container after all, at least not until the user invokes it. When that happens, its `DataContext` is set to its container's `DataContext` but only if it doesn't have a local value assigned to its own `DataContext` property, which in your case it does. What you'd expect is for WPF to assign the `DataContext` first, and then evaluate the binding, but thatsnotthecase
Aviad P.