Hi All,
I need output different information to different terminal instances instead of print them in same output stream, say std.err or std.out.
for example: I have 5 kinds of information say A-E need to be displayed on different terminal windows on same desktop, looks like
[terminal 1] <- for displaying information A
[terminal 2] <- for displaying information B
[terminal 3] <- for displaying information C
[terminal 4] <- for displaying information D
[terminal 5] <- for displaying information E
I know I can output them into different files, then open terminals read the file in loop, but what I want is python program can open terminal by program itself and print to them directly when it is needed.
Is it possible?
[edit] the best solution for this case is using SOCKET as the IPC I think if the resource is not a matter, it will come with best compatible capability - a server client mode. and the pipe / subprocess will also be the useful solutions under same platform