




I was wondering if one can allow spaces in a textfield when checking it with ctype_alpha. Since ctype_alpha only allows alphabetical letters, I don't know how to let the user enter space in the field. I did try using ctype_space but that didn't work. I simply want the user to be able to type only alphabets and they have a choice to include spaces if they "wish." I hope I will not have to use regexp as I am very new to all of this and hope to learn it at a later date. Below is some of the code...Thank you.

elseif (!ctype_alpha($fname))


echo "Your name may only contain alphabetical letters";


this is what I would do

if (!ctype_alpha(str_replace(' ', '', $fname)))

this allows for spaces only, but if you want to allow more than just spaces, like punctuation or what not, read up on str_replace, it allows for arrays

str_replace(array(' ', "'", '-'), '', $fname)

I'm suggesting this because First Name may have apostrophe and last name may also have dashes

Thank you for the suggestion, it worked, and ofcourse also thanks for the link!
Glad to hear it worked for you Raj. If this satisfies your requirements and you are not looking for other suggestions, I would kindly appreciate if you mark the answer as accepted :)Cheers