




Would setting the $link to my database be one thing that I should use a GLOBAL scope for? In my setting of (lots of functions)...it seems as though having only one variable that is in the global scope would be wise.

I am currently using the functions to transfer it back and forth so that way I do not have it in the global scope. But it is a bit of a hindrance to my script.

Please advise.


You can always access globals inside functions when you really need them.

function use_that_link() {
    global $link;

But passing it around is probably better practice, regardless. Just remember that any function that uses direct database access takes the database link as its first parameter, and you should be good to go. (OOP might offer you an even cleaner solution, but it sounds like you don't want to venture down that path at this point.)

+3  A: 

Your best way to accomplish this is by using a function as there already global.

function getDB()
   global $Database;
   Return $Database;

Then throughout you application use


Or if your just calling the resource then

indeed, using a function lets you change your mind later about how exactly the database is gotten (the inside of the function).
I'd feel kinda weird about using a function just to mask a variable...
However I do see that using a function instead of a Global variable would limit its usage... I could even use this to return $link after the db function is complete...that would definitely make some sort of sense
If your creating UNIQUE Variable names you could create 1 function or static class that you can call like so Global('Database'); and in this function you could global $arg1 and return it so function Global($var){global global $var;return $var;} so it will globalize what you the string you asked and then return.
I think I may understand. So all in all, all that I am doing is returning the non-global variable, thereby passing it to the function.
Instead of taking up code all your doing is globalizing the variable once, ie the function instead of writing it everytime you need it to be in scope your calling the function thus saving code. personally i would use a static scope object. sort of Registry so you can go Registry::set('DB',$Database); and because this is a global you can do Registry::get('DB'); if you wish to see the code just ask ill post it in my thread!
Is the capital R a typo?
Lol, No why would it be?
So a function which combines the worst aspects of both Singletons and Globals is the accepted answer... Wow...
Yes, Depending on the project/ application if its not a very huge project then this is an Acceptable Answer, The person who asks the question may not fully understand the concepts of Registry/Singleton static methods and there for them answers are illogical to him, i gave him the best answer for his skill level.

Globals are very bad instead use the singleton pattern.

  class Singleton
      static private $instances = array();

      static public function getInstance($className)
          if (!isset(self::$instances[$className])) {
              self::$instances[$className] = new $className();
         return self::$instances[$className];
 require_once 'DB.php';
 $db = Singleton::getInstance('DB');
 $db->query("select * .......");
I cannot deny that I am confused by this... I am still new working with php and mysql...but would this require every function to initially call singleton and then continue to its normal function?
Please explain why Singleton::getInstance('DB')->query(...) is better suited than $global_db->query(...) for PHP. Are there any hidden advantages in your Singleton use; do you restrict access or something else unusual?
Singletons are basically globals by another name.
Loren Pechtel
That would not help me to decide if I was going to use them
Singletons are just fancy globals.
Lotus Notes
Singletons are not just fancy globals. With a global, you'll need to instantiate a DB connection early so that you'll have access to the $db var all throughout the script. With a Singleton, you can "lazy load" both the class, and the DB. Only creating the connection when you need it. Not to mention, it's impossible to "accidentally" overwrite the global var. Plus, it's easy to see what `$db = Database::instance();` is, whereas `global $db;` would require you to hunt through the code to try to figure out what it really is (`$db` is a trivial case, imagine any other class)...
Sorry, my hatred for singletons make me an ass. I instantly downvote every time i see it. Globals are 'bad' but more obvious then a singleton class which is 'bad' and dress as a normal or typical class.
+1  A: 

Personally, I think the database is one place where the Singleton pattern makes sense. Testing fanatics might disagree with me, but it makes so much sense to me in this instance.

$db = DB::get();
$db->query('select ...');
class Registry
        * @var array Holds all the main objects in an array a greater scope access
        * @access private
    private static $objects = array();

        * Add's an object into the the global
        * @param string $name
        * @param string $object
        * @return bool
    public static function add($name,$object)
        self::$objects[$name] = $object;
        return true;

        * Get's an object out of the registry
        * @param string $name
        * @return object on success, false on failure
    public static function get($name)
    {   if(isset(self::$objects[$name]))
            return self::$objects[$name];
        return false;

        * Removes an object out of Registry (Hardly used)
        * @param string $name
        * @return bool
    static function remove($name)
        return true;

        * Checks if an object is stored within the registry
        * @param string $name
        * @return bool
    static function is_set($name)
        return isset(self::$objects[$name]);

The you can use like so.

require_once 'classes/registry.class.php';

require_once 'classes/database/pdo.class.php';
Registry::set('Database',new Database);

Then anywhere in your Application you can do like so:

function addPost(String $post,Int $id)
    $statement = Registry::get('Database')->prepare('INSERT INTO posts VALUES(:d,:p)');

This will give you a much Larger scope!

Why was this rated down ??
You cant set String as Typhinting in PHP, expect you have a class String and a Class Int this code looks 50% as PHP and 50% as Java code.
This method is perfectly fine for storing Object in a database and fetching then with a larger scope. i have deeply used this for larger project. not to worry. peace

A more pragmatic approach: rudimentary namespacing

$GLOBALS['mydomain.com']['db'] = ...;

You can make a wrapper class for accessing and mutating your globals

Class Globals {

  private $domain = 'mydomain.com';

  function get($key)
    return $GLOBALS[$this->domain][$key];

  function set($key,$value)
    $GLOBALS[$this->domain][$key] = $value;

Would this be to prevent XSS?
My main concern is avoiding conflicts in the global namespace, which may be introduced by including third-party code in your application.ps: I don't see where XSS issues might rise in this matter ..