



I'm trying to make a javascript dropdown list using scriptaculous and prototype. I know this can be done using CSS :hover pseudo-selectors, but I would like to add some additional flair to it. The problem is that while I can kind of get the dropdown/up effect working, it seems very flaky. Is there a simple way to do this, or should I stick to the hovers? Here is the CSS I'm using.

<style type="text/css">
ul {list-style-type: none}

#navbar>li {
 position: relative;
 float: left;
 padding-right: 20px;
 height: 2em;
 background-color: #002;

ul.dropdown {
 display: block;
 position: absolute;
 top: 2em;
 left: 0px;
 background-color: #00c;

And here is the html (I added the style="display: none" per the documentatoin, which said to put it there instead of in a stylesheet if you want the target to initially be hidden).

<ul id="navbar">
    onmouseover="Effect.BlindDown('dropdownone', { duration: 0.8 })"
    onmouseover="Effect.BlindUp('dropdownone', { duration: 0.8 })"><a href="">Menu Link 1</a>
    <ul id="dropdownone" class="dropdown" style="display: none">
      <li>Drop Down Link 1</li>
      <li>Drop Down Link 2</li>
      <li>Drop Down Link 3</li>
  <li><a href="">Menu Link 2</a>
    <ul id="dropdowntwo" class="dropdown">
      <li>Drop Down Link 1</li>
      <li>Drop Down Link 2</li>
      <li>Drop Down Link 3</li>
      <li>Drop Down Link 4</li>
      <li>Drop Down Link 5</li>
  <li><a href="">Menu Link 3</a>
    <ul id="dropdownthree" class="dropdown">
      <li>Drop Down Link 1</li>
      <li>Drop Down Link 2</li>
+1  A: 

This effect seems to work fine with 'onclick' events

But with onmouseover, I read that you need to use the effect queue so your blind up and blind down are not stepping on each other, like in this script.

A queue is a list of events (in the current context Effects). These events take occur one after the other (or parallel) for the purpose of preventing disturbence of current actions.


The queues don't seem to help. After trying different things for over an hour, I am going to give up and just stick with plain hover menus. It's funny because I assumed this was the sort of basic UI enhancement effect these libraries were supposed to make easy.

Sorry to hear that. Did you validate the same kind of menu with onclick event ? Would it work then ? (even though it is not what you are after)

The BlindDown can be donw like this:

onmouseover="if($('dropdownone').style.display=='none') { Effect.BlindDown('dropdownone', { duration: 0.8 }) }"

I'm working on BlindUp for "onmouseout" event, but can't seem to get it working. :(


Use: Effect.toggle('id_of_element', 'blind', { duration: 2.0 });