




I am using C# and using SqlBulkCopy. I have a problem though. I need to do a mass insert into one table then another mass insert into another table.

These 2 have a PK/FK relationship.

Table A
Field1 -PK auto incrementing (easy to do SqlBulkCopy as straight forward)

Table B
Field1 -PK/FK - This field makes the relationship and is also the PK of this table. It is not auto incrementing and needs to have the same id as to the row in Table A.

So these tables have a one to one relationship but I am unsure how to get back all those PK Id that the mass insert made since I need them for Table B.


Could I do something like this?

FROM Product
WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM ProductReview WHERE Product.ProductId = ProductReview.ProductId AND Product.Qty = NULL AND Product.ProductName != 'Ipad')

This should find all the rows that where just inserted with the sql bulk copy. I am not sure how to take the results from this then do a mass insert with them from a SP.

The only problem I can see with this is that if a user is doing the records one at a time and a this statement runs at the same time it could try to insert a row twice into the "Product Review Table".

So say I got like one user using the manual way and another user doing the mass way at about the same time.

manual way. 1. User submits data 2. Linq to sql Product object is made and filled with the data and submited. 3. this object now contains the ProductId 4. Another linq to sql object is made for the Product review table and is inserted(Product Id from step 3 is sent along).

Mass way. 1. User grabs data from a user sharing the data. 2. All Product rows from the sharing user are grabbed. 3. SQL Bulk copy insert on Product rows happens. 4. My SP selects all rows that only exist in the Product table and meets some other conditions 5. Mass insert happens with those rows.

So what happens if step 3(manual way) is happening at the same time as step 4(mass way). I think it would try to insert the same row twice causing a primary constraint execption.


In that scenario, I would use SqlBulkCopy to insert into a staging table (i.e. one that looks like the data I want to import, but isn't part of the main transactional tables), and then at the DB to a INSERT/SELECT to move the data into the first real table.

Now I have two choices depending on the server version; I could do a second INSERT/SELECT to the second real table, or I could use the INSERT/OUTPUT clause to do the second insert , using the identity rows from the table.

For example:

     -- dummy schema
     CREATE TABLE TMP (data varchar(max))
     CREATE TABLE [Table1] (id int not null identity(1,1), data varchar(max))
     CREATE TABLE [Table2] (id int not null identity(1,1), id1 int not null, data varchar(max))

     -- imagine this is the SqlBulkCopy

     -- now push into the real tables
     INSERT [Table1]
     OUTPUT, INTO [Table2](id1,data)
Marc Gravell
Hmm. I been working on something do you think it would work(see my edit). If not I guess I will try a staging table.
@chobo2 - well, except in a few scenarios I would use a staging table anyway - so that a: I'm not impacting the real table during network IO time, and b: to get full transaction logs.
Marc Gravell
Ok I just got my edit up. Going through I am thinking I might have to do a staging tbl way. Not sure yet. I have some questions on your way though. Is the -- Are these dummy table created on the file or just used for example purposes? 2nd how do you do a SQlbulkCopy in a stored procedure. 3rd how do this push thing work. You just insert the entire table or something? 4th how about concurrent connections where maybe a couple users? It would all go the staging table so there would need to be some sort of way to know which data to add then delete?
@chobo2 - I would have the staging table there as a permanent table. You might need some extra work if you need parallel usage, though. Re SP; I would use `SqlBulkCopy` *then* call an SP, but you can use bulk-insert (not `SqlBulkCopy`) from TSQL. 3: don't understand the question, but you write the code you need for your scenario... 4: in that case I would add a column to the staging table to identify the different requests (all rows for request A would have the same value). Alternatively, enforce (separately) that only one happens at once (but parallel is nicer).
Marc Gravell
So how take my results from a select statement and then do a insert with them? I am not sure how to store them in a sp and then do a bulk-insert.
@chobo2 - the example does a select/insert; is there something more specific?
Marc Gravell
Ah maybe I am just getting confused by this line. OUTPUT, INTO [Table2](id1,data)

Depending on your needs and how much control you have of the tables, you may want to consider using UNIQUEIDENTIFIERs (Guids) instead of your IDENTITY primary keys. This moves key management outside of the database and into your application. There are some serious tradeoffs to this approach, so it may not meet your needs. But it may be worth considering. If you know for sure that you'll be pumping a lot of data into your tables via bulk-insert, it is often really handy to have those keys managed in your object model rather than your application relying on the database to give you back the data.

You could also take a hybrid approach with staging tables as suggested before. Get the data into those tables using GUIDs for the relationships, and then via SQL statements you could get the integer foreign keys in order and pump data into your production tables.
