



Where can I find either literature or video demonstration of unit testing applications using VB.NET? As a novice/hobbyist programmer I would like to build a solid foundation in developing applications using the unit testing methodology.

+3  A: 

If it helps any, you may want to learn C# if you plan on staying in the .NET world and ever plan to use .NET professionally. I've answered why here. Now, on to your question: O'Reilly and Associates had an article on this very subject recently (if by 2005 you mean recent, but for our purposes, we can call it recent). You may also want to learn Nunit, which is a unit testing framework for .NET.

As far as Books:

That should get you started. I don't know whether the code examples are in VB or C#, but if you have a Safari online subscription (which I highly recommend), you'll be able to browse these books without dropping money on them.

George Stocker
I'm not sure why someone voted me down, could you explain why?
George Stocker
The first down vote was my bad, but I have taken it back. It was mainly about the "learn C# to use .net professionally" but I took it back after I read you post on why.
Nathan W
I'm sure the vote down was for the C# plug on a VB question, but you offered good info that answered the question, so I voted you up to compensate. :)
Ian Varley
@Nathan I figured as much. You must be a VB.NET guy. :-) I harbor no ill-will to VB.NET, but these days, the lion's share of examples are written in C#, and it makes up the majority of .NET development. 3 years ago, it wasn't the same story.
George Stocker
@George Yeah mostly VB.NET at work(mainly just so the other guy I work with can read my code) and C# at home for any of my stuff, but I totally get where you are coming from. :)
Nathan W

You can find some info on unit testing vb on Typemock’s site