



I have code that works in some situations but not in others.

I have this code:

 Public Sub ListBox2_LostFocus() 
ListBox2.Height = 15 
   With ListBox2 
   ThisIs_Sheet1_Test = "'" 
   For i = 0 To .ListCount - 1 
        If .Selected(i) Then 
        ThisIS_Sheet1_Test = ThisIs_Sheet1_Test & .List(i) & "','" 
    End If 
Next i 
End With 
ThisIs_Sheet1_Test = Left(ThisIs_Sheet1_Test, Len(ThisIs_Sheet1_Test) - 2) 
End Sub 

that produces "ThisIs_Sheet1_Test". So when I run the code below, it gives me the selected values in the listbox.

Public Sub dummy() 
Dim SheetName As String 

SheetName = ActiveSheet.Name 

Sheets("Sheet1").Range("I5", "I5") = ThisIs_Sheet1_Test

End Sub

However, when I use

Sheets("Sheet1").Range("I5", "I5") = "ThisIs_" & SheetName & "_Test"

I get the value of "ThisIs_SheetName_Test" which is obviously not what I'm looking for.

How to I bring in the value and then have the VBA recognize that it should be pulling in the earlier value?

+1  A: 

You are using ThisIs_Sheet1_Test as a variable to hold a value (even though you don't explicitly declare the variable). You can't just assemble a string with the same name and expect it to somehow know what you want (to get the value held in the variable).

I'm assuming you are trying to do this because each sheet might have different values to track. In that case, here are a few options:

  • Explicitly declare a public string array, with enough values for each of your sheets. Then you can track each of your values using the index number of the worksheet you are on.
  • Instead of using a variable, pick a hidden spreadsheet cell to hold the value, then you can just use Sheets("Sheet1").Range("Z100").Value or something similar. This is a bit "hacky", and also fragile (because the user can overwrite the cell if it isn't locked or hidden), but might work the best without a bunch of other code.
  • Use "custom properties" of the worksheet. This would look something like:

    Dim mySheet As Worksheet
    Set mySheet = ActiveSheet
    mySheet.CustomProperties.Add "ListboxValues", "one,two,three"
    MsgBox mySheet.CustomProperties.Item(1).Name & " = " & _

If you only use a single custom property like my example, they are pretty easy to use. Once you have more than one, then you have to loop through to find the custom property with the correct name, and use that.

No, you can't declare a variable with a name assembled from other variables. See my 3 other options mentioned above.
How about this: If I create names for each page: ex. ThisIs_Sheet1_Test, ThisIs_Sheet2_Test, etc. is there a way to create a macro that passes in different values based on the sheet?If activesheet=sheet2, then it would pass in ThisIs_Sheet2_Test?
I'd like a little more information on the custom property. It looks like the most reasonable. Here's more information from me:I have 5 sheets and on each sheet are 3 listboxes. Each listbox is populated dynamically with between 3 and 10 values.So for each sheet, there will be three values, something similar to this:ThisIs_Sheet1_TestThisIs_Sheet1_TestingThisIs_Sheet1_TestedIs this doable using your suggestion? I'm not familiar with it so the more specific you can be the better! Thanks!
Sure, that's doable. You'll just to need add 3 different custom properties, one for each listbox. Might be a bit of code, though. I still wonder if you might have an easier time just storing the value in a cell on the spreadsheet? (Maybe the cell hidden behind the listbox itself?) Then all you'd have to do is `Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B12").Value`
I see what you're saying, but then on the commandbutton click, I have it throw the data into that hidden cell. That's fine, except that for each sheet, I have to put it there, so I have to take the ThisIs_Sheet1_Test and put it into that cell with code. And then I am back at the same problem of having 3 lines of code for each sheet instead of being able to macro it.

Looks like you are using my solution to earlier question verbatim. Perhaps if you want to use valu of an variable that you set in in one function in another you need to declare it out side..

So move your Dim SheetName As String to bigining of the module, all the way up to first line.

It's already there. This was just an example, showing ONLY the relevant code.Like the answer below said, it looks like a variable/string/text problem. How do I get around that?