



I have an ORM class called Person, which wraps around a person table:

After setting up the connection to the db etc, I run the ff statement.

people = session.query(Person).all()

The person table does not contain any data (as yet), so when I print the variable people, I get an empty list.

I renamed the table referred to in my ORM class People, to people_foo (which does not exist).

I then run the script again. I was surprised that no exception was thrown when attempting to access a table that does not exist.

I therefore have the following 2 questions:

  1. How may I setup SQLAlchemy so that it propagates db errors back to the script?
  2. How may I view (i.e. print) the SQL that is being sent to the db engine

If it helps, I am using PostgreSQL as the db


I am writing a package. In my script, I have the following code (shortened here):

import common # imports logging and defines logging setup funcs etc

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def main():    
    parser = OptionParser(usage="%prog [options] <commands>",
                          version="%prog 1.0")

    commands = OptionGroup(parser, "commands")

        help="log to FILE. if not set, no logging will be done"

        metavar="LOG LEVEL",
        help="Debug level. if not set, level will default to low"

    # Set defaults if not specified
    if not options.loglevel:
        loglevel = 1
        loglevel = options.loglevel

    if not options.logfile:
        logfilename = 'datafeed.log'
        logfilename = options.logfile

    common.setup_logger(False, logfilename, loglevel) 

       # and so on ...


import logging

    # not sure how to 'bind' to the logger in

    engine = create_engine('postgres://postgres:pwd@localhost:port/dbname', echo=True)


common module sets the logger up correctly, and I can use the logger in my other modules that import common.

However in dbfuncs module, I am getting the following error/warning:

No handlers could be found for logger "sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine

+1  A: 

You can see the SQL statements being sent to the DB by passing echo=True when the engine instance is created (usually using the create_engine() or engine_from_config() call in your code).

For example:

engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine('postgres://foo/bar', echo=True)

By default, logged statements go to stdout.

Menno Smits
@menno: sweet! thats exactly what I needed. +1
+1  A: 

In addition to echo parameter of create_engine() there is a more flexible way: configuring logging to echo engine statements:

import logging

See Configuring Logging section of documentation for more information.

Denis Otkidach
@dennis: Ah, even sweeter ;) +1
@dennis: this is what I would rather do - to log to file instead opf console. I am already using logging in the of my package (see my edited code) - after making the changes you recommended, now the messages are no longer appearing on console (good), but they are also not appearing in the log file (bad). Could you clarify how to get the messages logged to file?