




I have ComboBox (DropDown one) with 2 items in it ("One", "Onion"). When I type 'on' in combo and push dropdown arrow then the text i wrote automatically changes (item "One" is highlighted in list and text changes to "One").

How to prevent it?


I'm not entirely sure how you want it to behave since you don't actually specify, but there are three kinds of ComboBox types: Simple, Dropdown, or Drop List. These each have different behaviors as well. I would suggest you play with the different types first and see if you find what you are looking for. You will find this setting in the properties under Type.

I believe you are currently using Dropdown. Changing it to Drop List should make it so that you can only type something that's in the ComboBox. IE: In your example they can only type One or Onion and it will auto complete to whichever is most similar.

Ben Burnett