



While compiling on GCC I get the error: pure-specifier on function-definition, but not when I compile the same code using VS2005.

class Dummy {   
  //error: pure-specifier on function-definition, VS2005 compiles 
  virtual void Process() = 0 {};

But when the definition of this pure virtual function is not inline, it works:

class Dummy
  virtual void Process() = 0;
void Dummy::Process()
{} //compiles on both GCC and VS2005

What does the error means? Why cannot I do it inline? Is it legal to evade the compile issue as shown in the second code sample?

+1  A: 

Ok, I've just learned something. A pure virtual function must be declared as follows:

class Abstract 
   virtual void pure_virtual() = 0;

It may have a body, although it is illegal to include it at the point of declaration. This means that to have a body the pure virtual function must be defined outside the class. Note that even if it has a body, the function must still be overridden by any concrete classes derived from Abstract. They would just have an option to call Abstract::pure_virtual() explicitly if they need to.

The details are here.

Yes it should, if you need one. It's perfectly legal to have one.
But with a body it would just be a virtual function. What should a pure virtual function with a body do???
Martin Tilsted
@Martin Possibly nothing - if you declare a pure virtual destructor (for example) you must give it a body.
+6  A: 

This syntax:

virtual void Process() = 0 {};

is not legal C++, but is supported by VC++. Exactly why the Standard disallows this has never been obvious to me. Your second example is legal.

+1  A: 

Pure virtual functions in C++ by definition have no definition in the declaration.

You second code block is not avoiding the compiler issue. It is implementing a pure virtual function the way it was intended.

The question to ask is, why do you need to declare it pure virtual if you intend to have a default implementation?

Pure virtual functions may have definition. Think about pure virtual destructor - it MUST be defined.
Please enlighten me with the purpose of a pure virtual destructor?
@Amardeep You make a destructor pure when you don't want its class instantiated and there are no other PVF candidates. Quite a rare requirement, I agree.
> why do you need to declare it pure virtual if you intend to have a default implementation?As an author of the code in question I will answer: the default implementation is provided as a helper for derived classes. They are expected to call the default implementation, but they need to do so explicitly. This is to make sure calling default implementation is a conscious design, and not an unintended behaviour. Kind like "explicit" with conversion / construction. It does not provide any new possibilities, but it can help avoiding mistakes.
+6  A: 

C++ Standard, 10.4/2:

a function declaration cannot provide both a pure-specifier and a definition


You can certainly provide a body for pure virtual function. That function will be pointed to by that abstract class vtable. Otherwise the same slot will point to compiler-specific trap function like __cxa_pure_virtual for GCC. There's of course nothing about this in the standard.

Nikolai N Fetissov