




hi everyone, i create a website on my local machine but i can't add webpart to web page, it don't rise any error but th webpart don't display to the page. anyone help me. Thanks


Is it an audienced web part? Do you have group permissions set on it? Is it a custom web part or a third-party (if third-party then I would ask their support).

Jared Peless
it a customer web part, i login with administrator user. and when i open "Solution manager" in Center administration it rise the error bellow:"There are no solutions in the solution store. Before you can deploy a solution package, you must submit the solution package to the solution store in the configuration database by using the stsadm -o addsolution command"
Thien thai

We had the same problem with Firefox some time ago, but the problem disappeared when we installed SP2 for SharePoint 2007. The only thing that surprises me is that you also have the problem with IE.
