




So I recently ordered a Droid Incredible and starting looking through the Google documentation for the Android, but I learn better by reading a book. So I need some programming book recommendations for Androids. Thanks in advance.

+1  A: 

I find Google's online documentation and examples to be excellent, so maybe just print some of it out if you need it on paper? The problem with books is that Android is evolving very rapidly so its going to be difficult to find a book that is up to date. I doubt anything is available covering Android 2.2.

You could even bind it, if you need that "book feel" http://tinyurl.com/36m8vfd
Joshua Cheek
+11  A: 

Android is the sort of thing you will have a hard time finding a book for.

Why? Because it's still rapidly changing. Android 2.1 is only months old and Android 2.2 is being rolled out now. Online resources are your best bet. Go through the Android tutorials.

Ah, I hadn't focused on that. I will give that site a shot. Thanks.
+2  A: 

Pro Android 2 is pretty good, and most of it is viewable online via Google Books.

+1  A: 

My completely biased recommendation: choose a publisher that is updating books digitally. As cletus and dbyrne pointed out, Android is ever-changing. Print books are a pain in the bleep when it comes to updating them, but PDFs and EPUBs and stuff are much simpler.

+1  A: 

I'm a beginner to Android as well (with an incredible also).

This deal has been useful to me.

These tutorials w/ samples http: //blogs.sonyericsson.com/developerworld/category/tutorials/ (could not have two links in this post) are also helpful and unique.

Ben Rose
Not seen the Sony Ericsson stuff before. Really nice examples

I was in the same boat as you, Fatmarik. Not only that, but I really dont like ebooks that much. But I decided to pick up:


and I couldnt be happier! Its definitely on of the better Android resources out there.
