



Hi... I'm begin to developing a scial sharing website so I'm curious about database design Schema... So in Data-Mining Star-Schema is the best one but how about a social sharing website... And as a nature of the SS websites there will be (i hope :)) many users in same time... Which better for performance for overdose using...

+1  A: 

What do you want to do? Star Schema and Snow Flake are reporting schemas. Social sharing would not need that except mayby then for reporting?

You need something representing the social relations, that is usually done with a graph database or in a RDBMS there are graph techniques such as this More details in the book by Celko

so reporting will be needed sooner or later... Beside that your links are very useful thanks... At conclusion can we say Star Schema or Snow Flake not the best designs for social network?

Star and Snowflake are not actually design methods. They are common patterns that arise as part or whole of a schema. As far as I'm aware the term "Snowflake" was invented by Ralph Kimball and is only relevant if you are using his "Dimensional" design methodology (which I certainly wouldn't recommend for a social networking site!).

The best default design for your database should generally be a Normal Form one. Aim to be in at least Boyce-Codd / 5th Normal Form unless you find compelling reasons to modify that.
