




So lately I've been looking at the disassembly of my C++ code, and having to manually track what's in each register, like this:

  95:   48 8b 16                mov    (%rsi),%rdx ; %rdx = raggedCross.sink
  98:   48 8b 42 38             mov    0x38(%rdx),%rax ; %rax = sink.table
  9c:   8b 4a 10                mov    0x10(%rdx),%ecx ; %ecx = sink.baseCol
  9f:   48 8b 70 50             mov    0x50(%rax),%rsi ; %rsi = table.starts
  a3:   89 c8                   mov    %ecx,%eax   ; %eax = baseCol
  a5:   83 c1 1c                add    $0x1c,%ecx  ; %ecx = baseCol + 1

And so on. The comments are mine, added by hand, from looking up the offset of various fields (e.g. sink, table, baseCol, starts) in the C++ classes.

It's straight forward to do, but tedius and time consuming: the perfect thing for a program to be doing. gdb seems to know the offset of various fields within a struct: I can do &((Table *)0x1200)->starts and it tells the the right address. So, this information is around.

Is there some disassembler that can use this info to annotate the code for me?

Failing that, I could write my own. Where does gdb get the offsets?


GDB uses the debugging information you included to determine that sort of thing, it's not part of a normal executable; DWARF is one common format used to store debug information

Michael Mrozek

You can use the debugging information (DWARF2) in order to look at the object files. As you're using GCC, you can do an annotated dump using the binutils utility objdump -S. If you dump all sections, the DWARF information is dumped as well.

Yann Ramin

You could take a look at IDA Pro. It won't completely automate the process, but it'll at least let you define your structure/class in one place, and it'll handle most things from there.

Jerry Coffin