


+1  Q: 

Advantages of MCT?

Hi, I want to pass for some MS certificates. I found a lot of options. Most of them are clear to me as it was technical stuff. I am interested what you can say about MCT. What are the agvantages of MCT.


Why do you want to get certified? Do you think that having those certifications, will help you get a better job?

No, if you do not know your stuff. It doesn't matter how many certs you have if you can't answer basic tech questions that you should know you will not get the job

That said, some companies require to have a certain number of staff have certifications because they are a Gold Partner with Microsoft etc etc Applying for a job with those companies and having a cert might help

I still think it is beneficial to study for these exams because you will always learn something

No particluar reason for cert. Just want to use some spare time usfull. And I also see thing that while prparing for them I will learn some new things.P.S I know my stuff, and I have no reason to change my current job, so cert. is just for me.