I create some elements( UIComponents, mainly Panels) inside the “mx:Application name=”tst” “. I need to cleanup all those UIComponent’s on MouseClick event , using Actionscript. Is there any way I access the children elements of mx:Application ( I used
var totalChildren:Number = this[‘tst’].numChildren ;
but looks like it fails to access the children list).
1Hi I create those panel elements dynamically and add those to the Application ( core container) dynamically like the following:<code>this.rawChildren.addChild(panel);</code>Then I try to cleanup the panels on click. Even if I use :Application.application.removeAllChildren();- then also it cannot remove Panels.ThanksPalash
2010-06-02 22:14:55
HiInstead of using this.rawChildren.addChild(panel), if I add panel's to Application ( Application.application.addChild(panel)), removing panels work(Application.application.removeAllChildren();). The issue is resolved.Thanks for all your help.Palash
2010-06-02 23:13:01