i am adding data from vba excel using adodb into a mysql database
everything works great but is slow. the entire process takes about 5 seconds.
i believe the reason it is slow is because i am filtering it:
Dim rowid_batchinfo As String
rs.Filter = "datapath='" + dpath + "' and analystname='" + aname + "' and reportname='" + rname + "' and batchstate='" + bstate + "'"
If Not rs.EOF Then
rowid_batchinfo = rs.Fields("rowid")
cn.Execute "delete from batchinfo where rowid=" + rowid_batchinfo
cn.Execute "delete from calibration where rowid='" + rowid_batchinfo + "'"
cn.Execute "delete from qvalues where rowid='" + rowid_batchinfo + "'"
End If
i dont know exactly which process is to blame, but i am assumign the delete where
is delaying me. one of the tables has about 500,000 rows, the other about 300,000 and the other 5,000.
here is the second part:
With rs
.AddNew ' create a new record
' add values to each field in the record
.Fields("datapath") = dpath
.Fields("analysistime") = atime
.Fields("reporttime") = rtime
.Fields("lastcalib") = lcalib
.Fields("analystname") = aname
.Fields("reportname") = rname
.Fields("batchstate") = bstate
.Fields("instrument") = instrument
.Update ' stores the new record
End With
' get the last id
Set rs = cn.Execute("SELECT @@identity", , adCmdText)
capture_id = rs.Fields(0)
'MsgBox capture_id
Set rs = Nothing
this part adds the data. i think that this is relatively quick, but i cannot be sure.
so for the delete statements, perhaps i should be creating an index? however, in this case, it will probably take time to create the index and i would need to drop it recreate it every time i need to do this.
anyone know how i can make this code work faster?