i have one value in text box(eg:1200) once i drag the HSlider from left to right text box value to increase 1200+150 for each intrevel.if right to left has to decres 150 as same.
<mx:HSlider id="slider" minimum="0" maximum="10" snapInterval="1" liveDragging="true"/>
<mx:Label text="{1200 + slider.value*150}"/>
2010-06-03 06:28:58
label value map be anything so shall use"{label.text+ slider.value*150}"
2010-06-03 06:47:39
you could use binding tag, i read somewhere
do one thing, take one bindable variable
[Bindable]private var counter:int;
and then, set the snap interval of your slider to 150 when you move your slider, put the slider value in this counter variable, ryt
i mean, on the change property of slider, put value of slider in the bindable counter variable
and then in textinput, <textinput text="{counter}"/>
Ankur Sharma
2010-06-03 11:05:09