




Some advice, please. I'm just starting out in C#. I've managed to get some shapes created on a Windows form, and now I'd like to fill them with color. In the old C++ I studied years ago, there was a floodfill function that was really easy. It has been an unpleasant realization to find there's not a similar method available in regular old C#. Does anyone have advice for me, or some code, so I can implement filling without understanding GDI+, DirectX, or rest of the avalanche of acronyms that I've run into by researching this on the web? I need to fill irregular shapes, bounded by a certain color. Gradient and transparency control would be nice, but I'd settle for plain old solid fill right now, just to get a modicom of control over this. Any help, code or advice would be really appreciated.


i used:

To get HDC http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/9z5820hw(VS.90).aspx

and to FloodFill http://www.pinvoke.net/default.aspx/gdi32/FloodFill.html

it worked

Thank you, Audrey. I'm looking over these sites. I self-taught,still a rank novice, groping my way through this stuff. Is this easy enough that an unskilled an uneducated newbie such as myself can grasp, in your opinion? Thanks, Jimmy
@Jimmy yes, you can. just go step by step. Read article about P/Invoke, then read first link and take code from there. Then take second, to get HDC for Graphics you are painting on.
+2  A: 

Take a look at the Graphics.FillXxxx() methods. The most flexible one is FillPath, it takes a GraphicsPath which in turn lets you define an arbitrary shape and fill it.

Hans Passant
Thank you, Hans. I'll look into it.
+1  A: 

See this site for a lot of help with using GDI in .Net:


Chris Dunaway
Thank you, Chris. This site looks really, really promising. I'll keep at it.

There is an article on how to flood fill in .Net at Code Project.

Dour High Arch