




I have a page on my site that uses an iframe to show a webcam picture from one of those ddns sites that facilitates web access to webcams. It works fine in all browsers, but in IE 8 (I haven't tried other versions of IE yet), I get that annoying little exclamation mark in the lower left corner of the browser, and when I open it up it says:

  Webpage error details

  Message: Permission denied
  Line: 13
  Char: 1
  Code: 0
  URI: http://myddnswebcamsite.com:50000/ViewerFrame?page=Single&Language=0

Not sure if it's some issue with cgi, but the actual link in the iframe is:   http://myddnswebcamsite.com:50000/CgiStart?page=Single&Language=0

So I'm not sure where in the process it's going from CgiStart to ViewerFrame or why. If I go to the webcam page in IE (without using an iframe), it's fine, so is there a cgi issue with an iframe in IE?

Anyone have any experience with this sort of thing?