I'm working in a RIA. We use Memcached to store sessions, and I've installed http://pecl.php.net/package/memcache and my PHP session handler looks like this:
$session_save_path = "tcp://$host:$port?persistent=1&weight=2&timeout=2&retry_interval=10, ,tcp://$host:$port ";
ini_set('session.save_handler', 'memcache');
ini_set('session.save_path', $session_save_path);
The session timeout is set to 30min. In my RIA I want periodicly call a serverside script via AJAX to check if the visitor's session is still alive. If the ajax calls returns false I blackout the screen and show a pretty relogbox to continue the session.
Now the problem is with the serverside script. I need to determine if the session exists without extending the lifetime of the session if it does exists.
I'm not completely knowladble about the workings of the session handler, but i'm pretty sure if i would do this:
if($_SESSION['loggedin'] == "yes")
echo "true";
echo "false";
I'm pretty sure this would renew the session's lifetime (on the serverside, but also on the clientside by sending a new cookie back to the client). And the session would exist indefinetly.
Some options i considered, but excluded:
- Don't do any serverside calls, but use a javascript timer on the client (expires after 30min for example). This won't work when the user has the RIA open in multiple windows
- Try to hack around the session_start() to prevent it from sending a new fresh cookie back to the client. This might work for the clientside, but the expirationtime would still be refreshed at the internal session_handling.
I'd like some idea's, T.i.a.