Hello, I'm trying to build an RSS feed using Grails and Rome.
In my controller's rss action, my last command is :
render(text: getFeed("rss_2.0"), contentType:"application/rss+xml", encoding:"ISO-8859-1 ")
However, when I navigate to my feed's URL, the header is :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rss xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" version="2.0">
My code for getFeed() is something like :
def getFeed(feedType) {
def currentFeedURL = params.url
def items = parserService.parse(new URL(currentFeedURL))
def feedLink = "http://blablabla"
def feedEntries = []
items.each { item ->
def entryTitle
if (item.price != null)
entryTitle = item.description + " - " + item.price + " euros"
entryTitle = item.description
def itemContent = new SyndContentImpl(type:'text/plain', value: getBody(item))
SyndEntryImpl entry = new SyndEntryImpl(title: entryTitle,
link: item.link,
publishedDate: item.date,
description: itemContent)
def feed = new SyndFeedImpl(feedType: feedType,
encoding : "ISO-8859-1",
title: 'Some title',
link: 'http://acme.com',
description: 'Feed description',
entries: feedEntries)
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter()
SyndFeedOutput output = new SyndFeedOutput()
return writer.toString()
And my getBody(item) is just parsing an item and outputting some HTML formatted text.
Does anyone have a clue about WHY the encoding is UTF-8 when I set it to ISO-8859-1 in the render method ???
Thanks for your help !