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Best C# Book For An Experienced Programmer

I've been programming with C++ quite a while, but my company decided to use C#/.NET for the next project. So, I have to learn nuts and bolts about C#/.NET.

What would be the best C# programming book for C++ programmer? I guess I don't need the 'C# for dummies' series.

+9  A: 

Charles Petzold has a book called .NET Book Zero specifically aimed at this audience. You can download a PDF version of the book on that link. If you don't know Charles Petzold is the author of the books Programming Windows *, which has been the authoritative source for Windows programming since Windows 3.1, and DOS before that.

If you have done a little bit of C# but not much Jon Skeet's book C# in Depth is a great choice and highly recommended. If you don't know Jon Skeet is the #1 user on stackoverflow and micro-celebrity here.

Brian R. Bondy
+1 for mentioning Petzold. The MSDN docs _assume_ you've read Petzold, IMHO. It also looks like Jon Skeet is of Petzold level of awesome.
+6  A: 

All hail Jon Skeet:


+2  A: 

If you know little bit of C# better to go with Jon Skeet's csharpindepth


Head First C#

Head First C# is a great starting point to build your foundation, then move-up to books like Jon's.
+2  A: 

If you know C++, your transition to C# will be pretty straightforward as the syntax is largely the same. Still, there are some gotchas that you need to be aware of.

For example, in C++, classes and structs are the same except for the default visibility level (private for classes, public for structs). In C#, classes are reference types while structs are value types.

You will never go wrong with anything Jon Skeet has written on C#. For me, though, I have found Bill Wagner's Effective C# series to be extremely valuable.

As far as all-purpose C# reference books, I really like Andrew Troelsen's book Pro C# 2010 and the .NET 4.0 Platform, now in its fifth edition.

Matt Davis
+1  A: 

I liked Pro C# 2008 and the .NET 3.5 Platform by Andrew Troelsen, but now you might want to look for something that covers .NET 4.0.


As an experienced C++ programmer, the official MSDN Library docs for .NET and C# worked just fine for me.

For specific areas of the .NET library, I can see how other books could do much better at explaining, but for the C# language itself, I didn't feel a need for anything better.

Conrad Albrecht
+1  A: 

Pro C# 2008 and the .NET 3.5 Platform is a favorite, and I saw the headfirst series mentioned which is very good as well.

While flipping through that peek at a book on linq to get a taste of what goodies C# has waiting around the corner.

It may not be a book but the tekpub series (free!) http://www.tekpub.com/production/concepts holds some good information to get your feet wet in C#.


Essential C# 4.0 (3rd Edition) is a cross between a reference and a teaching book assuming you are already a programmer. It ought to suite your skill set nicely.

If there's only 1 book you read I'd recommend this one.

Colin Newell
+1  A: 

CLR via C#. Great book, especially for an experienced programmer.