




I am 18 years old. I wish to become a network engineer. I don't know where I should start and what to study. I am interested in learning through the internet.

Can any one please suggest any URLs and topics/subject to be covered by a person new to networking.

is it right for a fresher to start with CCNA certification directly


+2  A: 

What do you know about networks as is? What have you read on Wikipedia on the subject?

Why does this seem like a fake question?





Those are all fundamentals to networking. I would say make sure you understand those topics, and follow any WP links you don't know. You can use tools like VirtualBox to create a local virtual machine network to play with.

sir i actually want to get suggestions for experts that is why i posted this question in this site sir
well the fact that you stayed with the question for more than a few minutes leads me to believe you're serious I suppose. But I would say you'ld probably do better on ServerFault as @samoz pointed out. I'll add a few links to my answer.
shall i start with preparing for CCNA certification ?is tat advisable for a fresher?
No. Start with reading on the topic. Start with building a small network for yourself for testing. Start with understanding what a network is. Then worry about advancing towards a ceritfication. If you wanted to get a CCNA then you should have asked "what is the best way to get a CCNA with no background?".
thanks a lot siri will cover the basic topics u suggest and then i will prepare for my certification.thanks a lot.