




I am finding myself doing a lot more messing around with scripts than I used to and my lack of knowledge in this area (and linux sysadmin/security in general), is becoming a hindrance.

Can anyone recommend a good online resource for bash scripting/linux admin. Preferably, it will be in pdf format, so I can copy it (single file) onto my PDA.

+4  A: 

I've learnt much from the Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide

I usually use the HTML version as a reference when hacking Bash, but there is a pdf version if you want to read it all through.

This guide seems to be targeted more at programming beginners, but it can prove useful too: Bash Guide for Beginners

Emil Vikström
+1: totally, what I was looking for

There is the Advanced Bash Scripting Guide - for PDF versions do a bit a of Googling.

+1  A: 

Do not miss to look at http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashGuide.

+1  A: 

PDF manuals are very limited. I download some of these HTML guides using something like wget --page-requisites --mirror --convert-links so I can read them on the train, but I have a laptop.

Stefan Lasiewski