I'm populating a listview with a list of databases on a selected SQL instance, then retrieving a value from each database (It's internal product version, column doesn't always exist) I'm calling the below function to populate the second column of the listview:
item.SubItems.Add(DBVersionCheck(serverName, database.Name))
Function DBVersionCheck(ByVal SelectedInstance As String, ByVal SelectedDatabase As String)
Dim m_Connection As New SqlConnection("Server=" + SelectedInstance + ";User Id=sa;Password=password;Database=" + SelectedDatabase)
Dim db_command As New SqlCommand("select Setting from SystemSettings where [Setting] = 'version'", m_Connection)
Return db_command.ExecuteScalar().trim
Catch ex As Exception
Return "NA"
End Try
End Function
This works fine except it's creating a connection to each database and leaving it open. My understanding is the close()\dispose() releases only the connection from the pool in ado rather than the actual connection to sql.
How would I close the actual connections after I've retrieved the value? Leaving these open will create hundreds of connections to databases that will probably not be used for that session.