



Is there an easy way to convert Transact-SQL to MySQL?

I am attempting to convert a DB archive of stock ticker symbols and company names.


What are you trying to convert? Procedures? Statements? Please be more clear about it.

+7  A: 

The short answer: NO

The medium answer: MAYBE

The long answer: That depends on what's in your TSQL and how much time and effort you want to put into it.

TSQL is not a subset of MySQL's dialect. So there exists some TSQL for which there is no MySQL conversion. However, the overlap between the two languages is pretty significant, and to a certain degree the conversion is just a matter of syntax.

This isn't a new problem, and some people have tried to tackle it. A quick google search for "tsql to mysql" yields some promising results, notably this project here, which attempts to convert stored procedures from TSQL to MySQL:

This probably won't solve your problem completely, but it's at least a start.


Are the others say, it depends how long your particular piece of string is.

But, I would suggest that you do NOT want to convert Transact-SQL to MySQL.

If you think about it, I think that you will find that you want to convert it to ODBC.

And then next year, when the company wants you to move it to Oracle, or Access ...
