



‘This will launch the PPT in a GPO

Dim ppt

Set ppt = CreateObject("PowerPoint.Application")
ppt.Visible = True
ppt.Presentations.Open "C:\Scripts\Test.pptx"

‘This is the batch file at the end of the PPT that records the date, time, computer name

and username

echo "Logon Date:%date%,Logon Time:%time%,Computer Name:%computername%,User Name:%username%" >> \\servertest\g$\Tracking\LOGON.TXT

‘This is what I need but can’t find:

I need the script to check a value in the Active Directory user’s account in the Web page: attribute that would shut off the script if the user has already competed reading the presentation. Could be as simple as writing XXXX.

I need the value XXXX written to the Active Directory user’s account in the Web page: attribute when they finish reading the presentation after they click on the bat file so the script will not run again when they log in.