



Hi all,

Does anyone know of a truly declarative language? The behaviour I'm looking for is kind of what Excel does, where I can define variables and formulas, and have the formula's result change when the input changes (without having set the answer again myself)

The behaviour I'm looking for is best shown with this pseudo code:

X = 10     // define and assign two variables
Y = 20;

Z = X + Y  // declare a formula that uses these two variables

X = 50     // change one of the input variables

?Z         // asking for Z should now give 70 (50 + 20)

I've tried this in a lot of languages like F#, python, matlab etc, but every time i try this they come up with 30 instead of 70. Wich is correct from an imperative point of view, but i'm looking for a more declerative behaviour if you know what i mean.

And this is just a very simple calculation. When things get more difficult it should handle stuff like recursion and memoization automagically.

The code below would obviously work in C# but it's just so much code for the job, i'm looking for something a bit more to the point without all that 'technical noise'

class BlaBla{
    public int X {get;set;}  // this used to be even worse before 3.0
    public int Y {get;set;}
    public int Z {get{return X + Y;}}

static void main(){
   BlaBla bla = new BlaBla();
   bla.X = 10;
   bla.Y = 20;
   // can't define anything here
   bla.X = 50; // bit pointless here but I'll do it anyway. 
   Console.Writeline(bla.Z);// 70, hurray!

This just seems like so much code, curly braces and semicolons that add nothing.

Is there a language/ application (apart from Exel) that does this? Maybe I'm no doing it right in the mentioned langauges, or I've completely missed an app that does just this.

I prototyped a language/ application that does this (along with some other stuff) and am thinking of productizing it. I just can't believe it's not there yet. Don't want to waste my time.

Thanks in advance,


+3  A: 

Have you seen Resolver One? It's like Excel with a real programming language behind it.

Craig Stuntz
I believe it uses IronPython
Russ Cam
I Yeah I saw that quite a while ago, I'll look at it again
Hi, I just downloaded it. Seems pretty nifty in that it educates the user in python while the user can do the stuff he's used to up top. But i'm afraid that the code below will scare the s**t out of business users... will looking further into it though, thanks!
@gjv: Business users are so easy to be scared ;)
True true, but seeing programmers struggle with semi-structured problems is just as funny. Let's write something to bridge this gap.
+1  A: 

Two things you can look at are the cells lisp library, and the Modelica dynamic modelling language, both of which have relation/equation capabilities.

Pete Kirkham
+16  A: 

Any Constraint Programming system will do that for you. Examples of CP systems that have an associated language are ECLiPSe, SICSTUS Prolog / CP package, Comet, MiniZinc, ...

ooo!! X marks the spot! A lot of reading up to do but this seems to be promising. Thank you!
+1  A: 

There is a Lisp library with this sort of behaviour:

+1  A: 

JavaFX will do that for you if you use bind instead of = for Z

+1  A: 

You can do this in Tcl, somewhat. In tcl you can set a trace on a variable such that whenever it is accessed a procedure can be invoked. That procedure can recalculate the value on the fly.

Following is a working example that does more or less what you ask:

proc main {} {
    set x 10
    set y 20
    define z {$x + $y}

    puts "z (x=$x): $z"
    set x 50
    puts "z (x=$x): $z"

proc define {name formula} {
    global cache
    set cache($name) $formula
    uplevel trace add variable $name read compute

proc compute {name _ op} {
    global cache
    upvar $name var
    if {[info exists cache($name)]} {
        set expr $cache($name)
    } else {
        set expr $var
    set var [uplevel expr $expr]

Bryan Oakley
+7  A: 

In Mathematica, you can do this:

x = 10;     (* # assign 30 to the variable x *)
y = 20;     (* # assign 20 to the variable y *)
z := x + y; (* # assign the expression x+y to the variable z *)
(* # prints 30 *)
x = 50;
(* # prints 70 *)

The operator := (SetDelayed) is different from = (Set). The former binds an unevaluated expression to a variable, the latter binds an evaluated expression.

Ok I hadn't seen mathemaica yet, pfft more homework ;-) Although I'm afraid that Mathematica would be too 'scary' for business users. Thanks!
+13  A: 

It looks like you just want to make Z store a function instead of a value. In C#:

var X = 10;    // define and assign two variables
var Y = 20;

Func<int> Z = () => X + Y;  // declare a formula that uses these two variables


X = 50;     // change one of the input variables


So the equivalent of your ?-prefix syntax is a ()-suffix, but otherwise it's identical. A lambda is a "formula" in your terminology.

Behind the scenes, the C# compiler builds almost exactly what you presented in your C# conceptual example: it makes X into a field in a compiler-generated class, and allocates an instance of that class when the code block is entered. So congratulations, you have re-discovered lambdas! :)

Daniel Earwicker
Hmmm... I understand what you're proposing here and this already is the most upvoted answer... but I don't think this answer follows the spirit of the question. The necessity of the parentheses() bolted on to the Z identifier and the lambda is simply another syntax workaround. I think his question is more about asking if there's a language with a "runtime" that elegantly manages a chain of dependencies behind each variable while also intelligently detecting circular references --- basically he's asking for Excel without the UI.
Sweet, but i agree that there are still quite a few concepts the user would have to master before he/ she could come up with somehting like this. It's not as to the point as, well, Excel. Nothing seems to be, all other languages seem to be by geeks, for geeks. With a lot of 'funny' characters
Actually I'm asking for Excel, with the GUI, but with a lot of other tools that will let me build much larger models than you can with Excel. And above all more structure. Building larger models just gets too tedious and error prone with excel.

Groovy and the magic of closures.

def (x, y) = [ 10, 20 ]

def z = { x + y }

assert 30 == z()

x = 50

assert 70 == z()

def f = { n -> n + 1 }  // define another closure

def g = { x + f(x) }    // ref that closure in another

assert 101 == g()       // x=50, x + (x + 1)

f = { n -> n + 5 }     // redefine f()

assert 105 == g()      // x=50, x + (x + 5)

It's possible to add automagic memoization to functions too but it's a lot more complex than just one or two lines.

Trevor Tippins
+3  A: 

Here is Daniel's example in Python, since I noticed you said you tried it in Python.

x = 10
y = 10

z = lambda: x + y

# Output: 20
print z()

x = 20

# Output: 30
print z()
Wayne Werner
Thanks, but this Lambda stuff would be too much for the simpletons I have in mind. It distracts from the original problem, it's what I call technical noise. It seems that every language I've seen so for has this.

In F#, a little verbosily:

let x = ref 10
let y = ref 20

let z () = !x + !y

y <- 40
Ok thanks! That's the beaviour I want, but I'm afraid the syntax is going to throw business users off. I'm trying 'not to make them think' Any special character like !{}; etc should go. Forget any off them once and the answer will be correct until you change an input. Too dangerous, those are nasty bugs to spot for noobs. I'm really targeting business users here.
You could implement a computation expression for that to simplify the syntax...

It's not what you're looking for, but Hardware Description Languages are, by definition, "declarative".


This F# code should do the trick. You can use lazy evaluation (System.Lazy object) to ensure your expression will be evaluated when actually needed, not sooner.

let mutable x = 10;
let y = 20;

let z = lazy (x + y);
x <- 30;

printf "%d" z.Value
lazy will not get recalculated

You can mimic it in Ruby:

x = 10
y = 20
z = lambda { x + y }    # => 30
z = 50    # => 70

Not quite the same as what you want, but pretty close.

+3  A: 

Wanting to have two definitions of X is inherently imperative. In a truly declarative language you have a single definition of a variable in a single scope. The behavior you want from Excel corresponds to editing the program.

Norman Ramsey
Hmm.. had to think about this for a second but I don't think i agree. (Wikipedia doesn't seem to either: I think you're mixing up immutability and functional programming with declarative. They're close, but different.GJ
Not that I believe anything I read on Wikipedia, but Wikipedia says "no control flow". Multiple assignments to X require control flow---one has to come before the other.
Norman Ramsey
+1  A: 

react is an OCaml frp library. Contrary to naive emulations with closures it will recalculate values only when needed

        Objective Caml version 3.11.2

# #use "topfind";;
# #require "react";;
# open React;;
# let (x,setx) = S.create 10;;
val x : int React.signal = <abstr>
val setx : int -> unit = <fun>
# let (y,sety) = S.create 20;;
val y : int React.signal = <abstr>
val sety : int -> unit = <fun>
# let z = S.Int.(+) x y;;
val z : int React.signal = <abstr>
# S.value z;;
- : int = 30
# setx 50;;
- : unit = ()
# S.value z;;
- : int = 70

You might find this video (from the Commercial Users of Functional Programming website) interesting and worthwhile viewing. If you've got pretty technophobic users this may be a good approach for you.

Onorio Catenacci

not sure how well metapost (1) would work for your application, but it is declarative.


Lua 5.1.4 Copyright (C) 1994-2008, PUC-Rio

x = 10
y = 20
z = function() return x + y; end
x = 50
= z()

Pedro Asti
Hi, thanks! Lua seems to go in that direction but still, i want somehting that defaults to this behaviour and does not allow for a wrong answer to come out. Having function() as opt in behaviour and omitting that doing an immediate assignment is not good enough. It would make people think too much. Thanks anyway, lookng at Parrot now beacuase that's below a lot of these langauges.So far Excel seems to be the only one... weird, but useful.