




I have created a new plugin named 'adv' in my elgg site.

And in this plugin iam listing the users.Which using the view from other elgg plugin 'profile

ie the page profile/views/default/profile/listing.php.

Now i need to set a link in the existing view of each user.So i have to edit the profile plugin , mainly the page profile/views/default/profile/listing.php

But how can i do this, without modifying elggs default plugin 'profile'.

I have tried a method that i have copied the folder 'profile' from profile/views/default/profile and put it in adv/views/default/.But it donot working.]

Is any solution for adding new link to the user view with editing other plugin, only editing our own plugin example 'adv'.

+1  A: 

Please check if "Use view filepath cache (recommended)", is disabled in the site administration. Because elgg uses hard view cache. Or delete the view_cache file from the data directory. And also make user your plugin is below the "Profile" in the plugin list.

Chetan sharma
Guys Please tell me what should i do of this answer (as i am new new to stackoverflow), should i delete it, as it seems there is no more activity on this question, and it is the only answer (and it is even not accepted).
Chetan sharma

You'll need to override the profile/listing view, but only when Elgg is rendering your plugin's pages, not to interfere with other plugins that might want to use the core profile/listing view.

My approach to this problem is the following:

  1. Create a new directory that will hold the views that you want to override. In your case, I'd create the "adv/views/mod" directory within your_site_root/mod.

  2. Add the view you'd like to override into this directory. Again, your case, copy the profile/views/default/profile/listing.php to the following location: adv/views/mod/default/profile/listing.php

  3. Make your modifications to the newly created view. You can now safely modify the adv/views/mod/default/profile/listing.php file to your liking

  4. Tell Elgg to use the special view when your plugin is rendering the page. This means you'll have to call the set_view_location(..) method either from your page_handler function, or the php files that are referenced by your page_handler and usually prepare the data for the views (like index.php or read.php, but I don't know your plugin's file hierarchy) So in your case you'd call set_view_location('profile/listing', $CONFIG->pluginspath . 'adv/views/mod/'); either from your page_handler or from one of the above files. Make sure that $CONFIG is present and available by referencing it (global $CONFIG).

András Szepesházi