I had for the last month a bit of a problem with a quite basic datastore query. It involves 2 db.Models with one referring to the other with a db.ReferenceProperty.
The problem is that according to the admin logs the request takes about 2-4 seconds to complete. I strip it down to a bare form and a list to display the results. The put works fine, but the get accumulates (in my opinion) way to much cpu time.
#The get look like this:
outputData['items'] = {}
labelsData = Label.all()
for label in labelsData:
labelItem = label.item.name
if labelItem not in outputData['items']:
outputData['items'][labelItem] = { 'item' : labelItem, 'labels' : [] }
path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'index.html')
self.response.out.write(template.render(path, outputData))
#And the models:
class Item(db.Model):
name = db.StringProperty()
class Label(db.Model):
text = db.StringProperty()
lang = db.StringProperty()
item = db.ReferenceProperty(Item)
I've tried to make it a number of different way ie. instead of ReferenceProperty storing all Label keys in the Item Model as a db.ListProperty.
My test data is just 10 rows in Item and 40 in Label.
So my questions: Is it a fools errand to try to optimize this since the high cpu usage is due to the problems with the datastore or have I just screwed up somewhere in the code? ..fredrik
I got a great response from djidjadji at the google appengine mailing list.
The new code looks like this:
outputData['items'] = {}
labelsData = Label.all().fetch(1000)
labelItems = db.get([Label.item.get_value_for_datastore(label) for label in labelsData ])
for label,labelItem in zip(labelsData, labelItems):
name = labelItem.name
except KeyError:
outputData['items'][name] = { 'item' : name, 'labels' : [label.text] }