



I have a custom list in SharePoint, and I want to override the OK/Cancel buttons that are in the New Item form (The form displayed when you click "New" in the default view of the list).

I want the saving logic to remain intact, but I just want to change the default page it redirects to, ideally, to a whole separate page on the site that's not a view of the list.

Is there any way I can achieve this?

Thanks in advance!


Yes you can do that. [I guessing you are working with list]

  • Navigate to NewForm.aspx of that particular list
  • Open it for editing
  • Go to Data view Controls and drop Form action control to the form
  • Add Commit and navigate to page actions in sequence.
+1  A: 

Depending on what you are looking for, a programmatic approach would be to write an Event Handler and after the ItemUpdated or ItemAdded event redirect to the location you want.

For more information

Ted Pattison MSDN Article on Event Handlers

John Ptacek