




I was using it as my primary text editor for quite sometime. However, one day it just stopped working. This had happened to me several times before, so I simply tried to end all procceses using windows task manager. However that didn't work. I've recently tried getting it to work again. Whenever I try to reopen it it informs me that it's subprocess couldn't connect. I tried uninstalling it and reinstalling it, yet the problem persists.

Anyone have any other solutions?

Important facts: Windows 7, Python 2.6.5


Honestly I would advise you to stop using IDLE, the fact that it runs program code in the same process as itself caused me a lot of problems when I used it, including things like not refreshing imported modules that were modified. Personally I switched to emacs, but you might like to try something like Notepad++.

I have Notepad++, how do I run a module on it?