See code. :P I am able to receive new connections before async_accept() has been called. My delegate function is also never called so I can't manage any connections I receive, rendering the new connections useless. ;)
So here's my question. Is there a way to prevent the Boost ASIO acceptor from getting new connections on its own and only getting connections from async_accept()?
AlexSocket::AlexSocket(boost::asio::io_service& s): myService(s)
//none at the moment
connected = false;
listening = false;
using boost::asio::ip::tcp;
mySocket = new tcp::socket(myService);
delete mySocket;
bool AlexSocket::StartListening(int port)
bool didStart = false;
if (!this->listening)
//try to listen
acceptor = new tcp::acceptor(this->myService);
boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint endpoint(boost::asio::ip::tcp::v4(), port);
//CAN GET NEW CONNECTIONS HERE (before async_accept is called)
didStart = true; //probably change?
tcp::socket* tempNewSocket = new tcp::socket(this->myService);
//acceptor->async_accept(*tempNewSocket, boost::bind(&AlexSocket::NewConnection, this, tempNewSocket, boost::asio::placeholders::error) );
else //already started!
return false;
this->listening = didStart;
return didStart;
//this function is never called :(
void AlexSocket::NewConnection(tcp::socket* s, const boost::system::error_code& error)
cout << "New Connection Made" << endl;
//Start new accept async
tcp::socket* tempNewSocket = new tcp::socket(this->myService);
acceptor->async_accept(*tempNewSocket, boost::bind(&AlexSocket::NewConnection, this, tempNewSocket, boost::asio::placeholders::error) );
bool AlexSocket::ConnectToServer(std::string toConnectTo, string port)
if (connected)
return false;
this->serverConnectedTo = toConnectTo;
this->serverPort = port;
ip::tcp::resolver resolver(myService);
ip::tcp::resolver::query newQuery(toConnectTo, port);
ip::tcp::resolver::iterator myIter = resolver.resolve(newQuery);
ip::tcp::resolver::iterator end;
boost::system::error_code error = boost::asio::error::host_not_found;
//try each endpoint
bool connected = false;
while (error && myIter != end)
ip::tcp::endpoint endpoint = *myIter++;
std::cout << endpoint << std::endl;
mySocket->connect(*myIter, error);
if (error)
//try to connect, if it didn't work return false
cout << "Did not Connect" << endl << error << endl;
//was able to connect
cout << "Connected!" << endl;
connected = true;
this->connected = connected;
return connected;
EDIT: I've changed my code to reflect what the answers so far have said. I am passing in an io_service to the ctor of my class. As you can see below, main is NOT calling run on the service, so I would assume that nothing should be able to connect right?
I have put my debugger on the listen() line and went to "". Typed in 57422 and hit Connect. Couldn't. Ran the listen() line. Was able to connect. This shouldn't be possible right? Like never? :(
No idea what to do anymore. main() is below.
int main()
boost::asio::io_service s;
AlexSocket test(s);
test.ConnectToServer("localhost", "57422");
cout << "Enter something to quit" << endl;
int a2;
cin >> a2;
return 0;