Hi gurus
how can I jump to another action in controller?
I have form and several submit buttons. Every submmit button has name.
<g:form action="save" method="post">
<g:input name="title" value="${letter.title}" />
<g:input name="comments[0].text" value="${letter.comments[0].text}" />
<g:submitButton name="save" value="save" />
<g:submitButton name="addComment" value="add" />
def save = {
if (params.addComment){
letter.addToComents( new Comment() )
render(view:'form', model:["letter": letter])
if ( letter.save() )
def addComment = {
It works, but it is not good. I want move code from block "addComment" to action addComment:
def save = {
if (params.addComment){
// it don´t work
redirect ( action:"addComment" )
if ( letter.save() )
def addComment = {
letter.addToComents( new Comment() )
render(view:'form', model:["letter": letter])
Or it exists better solution? It would be nice:
<g:submitButton name="save" value="save" action="save" />
<g:submitButton name="addComment" value="add" action="addComment" />
Thanks a lot Tom