



Hi All, I need a bit of WCF help. This project uses message contracts. The transport seems to work ok. I have this code for a response type.

namespace tpoke.Contracts
   [MessageContract(IsWrapped = true)]
   public class AuthenticationResponseMC
    [MessageBodyMember(Name = "authentication-token")]
    public Guid AuthenticationToken;


Now when I run the operation that returns this,

<AuthenticationResponseMC xmlns:xsi=""     xmlns:xsd=""&gt;

I try to deserialize using the XmlSerializer. The is not what I'm needing. I need it to be

<authentication-token xmlns=""&gt;e13xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxx&lt;/authentication-token&gt;

How can I make this work correctly? Do I need to add the namespace to MessageBodyMember? Why is the hyphen being stripped out? Any tips or advice is certainly appreciated.

~ck in San Diego