



While having one of my questions answered, cletus mentioned that when creating elements in jQuery it's better to use direct DOM element creation, instead of innerHTML. I tried googling it but I wasn't able to find a good article with comparisons.

I've provided this code bellow as an example and I was wondering if someone could help me rewrite it in direct DOM element creation form in hope that i would also learn the difference afterwards.

var img = $(this);
img.append('<p class="cap"><a href="'+img.parent().attr('href')+'">'+

Thanks so much.

+2  A: 

This is how you create elements in jQuery:

var myDiv = $('<div class="my-class"></div>');

And then you can do all kinds of cool stuff with myDiv.

Here it is using your example:

var img = $(this);
var myP = $('<p class="cap"></p>');
var myA = $('<a></a>');

It's a bit verbose, but yeah.

David Titarenco
Thank you David! : )
+3  A: 

Yeah, avoid HTML string-slinging. You're giving yourself bugs and potentially cross-site scripting security holes. For example:

'<a href="'+img.parent().attr('href')+'">'

what if the URL in the parent's href contains characters that are special in this HTML context, like <, " or &? At best you'll get invalid markup that might trip the browser up; at worst, if the URL comes from user submission, a security problem.

(OK, < and " are unlikely to appear in a URL, but & is very likely indeed. The title you're putting in the text content may be more vulnerable.)

This is a large and increasing problem. Just as we're starting to get a handle on fixing the HTML-injection bugs coming from templating on the server-side (eg. PHP users forgetting to htmlspecialchars()), we're now introducing loads of new client-side XSS from naïve HTML-hacking with innerHTML and jQuery's html(). Avoid.

You can escape text you're inserting into HTML manually:

function encodeHTML(s) {
    return s.replace(/&/g, '&amp;').replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/"/g, '&quot;');

'<a href="'+encodeHTML(img.parent().attr('href'))+'">'

but really, you're better off using the direct DOM-style properties and methods, which, since they involve no HTML parsing, don't require any escaping. They're called DOM-style because that's the way the original DOM Level 1 HTML features work (which existed back before innerHTML reared its ugly head):

var a= document.createElement('a');
a.href= this.parentNode.href;

In jQuery you use attr() and text() to do the same:

var a= $('<a></a>');
a.attr('href', $(this).parent().attr('href');

And in jQuery 1.4, you can do it most conveniently using an element creation shortcut:

    $('<p class="cap"></p>').append(
        $('<a></a>', {
            href: $(this).parent().attr('href'),
            text: $(this).attr('title')

This still looks a bit questionable though, what's the parent that you're getting the href from? It's invalid to put a <p>, or another link, inside a link.

Thank you! bobince, before I append the `<p>` I wrap the image and it's parent: `<a>` inside a `<div>` which also become the new target as you can see in my update here
Regarding that same note, is `targetPar.wrap('<div class="photo"></div>');` the best implementation of this method? Thanks again for your thorough answer!
Yes, including the static `class="photo"` in the wrapper HTML is fine. `title` is certainly a more appropriate place to put caption-like information than `alt`.
Thank you bobince!
bobince, I think your last code has a syntax error. It says "missing ) after argument list"
oops, you're right—there was a stray semicolon.
Thanks again bobince!