


[Zend Debugger] Cannot receive start command
[Zend Debugger] Cannot send message

I googled and found there are others also having this problem (here and this one on serverfault), but unluckily no fix yet.

PHP 5.2.8 (cli) (built: Dec  8 2008 19:31:23)
Copyright (c) 1997-2008 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2008 Zend Technologies

Is there an official fix for this yet?

+1  A: 

Well, like Henrik already said, this is hard to diagnose with no information about your setup at all. Also, if Roman (the rbzend from the thread you linked at the Zend Forum) has no solution at hand, it is likely really an incompatibility you have to live with for now.

If this is something that was fixed, your best bet would be to download the latest version of Zend Debugger from the Zend website. Then go through installation again as explained in the Sticky Note Setting Up Zend Debugger in the Zend Forum.

If reinstalling Zend Debugger doesn't help and you do have a valid support license with Zend, you might want to open a ticket with Zend Support. I have opened a few tickets with them myself and found them very helpful. So far, they solved all issues I had with Zend Debugger and Zend Studio. If you don't have a valid license, you can still register for the Zend Forum and ask there.

As a random idea, you might get the Debugger working by disabling IPv6 in Zend Studio/Eclipse by starting it with I remember I had an issue with Zend Debugger because of that once. But of course it might be completely unrelated to your troubles - it's really just a straw.

Finally, if you don't mind, you can still change to XDebug instead.

@Gordon, my issue only happens with some pages definitely, doesn't happen with some others,also definitely.
@wamp does that mean the Debugger works sometimes?
Not sometimes, for page A,it always works, but for page B,it always doesn't work.
@wamp Does the page work without Zend Debugger enabled? Does the page send any weird headers or destroy Cookies or something? It's impossible to tell what's wrong without code. Like I said, Zend Support is your best bet here.
@Gordon, sure, of course,that's the weiredest thing I've met,no clue,and even impossible to trace...
@wamp sorry, cannot help you with that beyond what I have alredy suggested then.