In other words, what technology would take care of doing the time tracking? Would it be the JavaScript? I don't see being able to keep track of such things with PHP.
Here's what I need to accomplish:
- I need to have a long form spanning many web page reloads because it is pretty much an online test where each page load displays a new question. However, the entire form, which constitutes one test has a time limit. When the time expires if the user in question has not completed the test then he/she cannot submit a partially completed test nor attempt to do the entire test all over again within the same day (either calendar date or with 12/24 hours in between.) The user may, however, comeback the next day and attempt to finish the entire test again within the allotted time. I know I have added a lot of details and I did this just to show context, nevertheless, the main difficulty for me would be in how accomplish the time expiry feature. That is, somehow, within a series of pages that make up a form representing an online test I want to track the time starting from the first question (one page load) and upon time expiry for the test to be disabled.
Has anyone ever done this? Would anyone have any tips for me on how to accomplish this? Any advice I can get would totally be appreciated in advance.