



Our team has just moved from Netbeans to Intellij 9 Ultimate and need to know what files/folders should typically be excluded from source control as they are not "workstation portable" ie: they reference paths that only exist on one user's computer.

As far as I can tell Intellij wants to ignore most of the .idea project including

.idea/artifacts/* .idea/inspectionProfiles/* .idea/copyright/* .idea/dataSources.ids .idea/dataSources.xml .idea/workspace.xml

However it seems to want to check in the .iml files that exist in each module's root directory.

I originally checked in the entire .idea directory via the command line which is obviously not aware of what "should" be ignored by Idea. Is the entire .idea directory typically ignored?

+1  A: 

Yes, I believe so. You can check the SVN configuration to see what's ignored and add anything that you think should be ignored.

+1  A: 

We have a FAQ article covering this question. .idea directory is a replacement for the old .ipr (Idea Project) file and if you want to share the project between users, then you need to share .idea folder (with the exceptions mentioned in the FAQ) and all the .iml files.


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