



One handy feature of Scala is lazy val, where the evaluation of a val is delayed until it's necessary (at first access).

Ofcourse a lazy val must have some overhead - somewhere Scala must keep track of whether the value has already been evaluated and the evaluation must be synchronized, because multiple threads might try to access the value for the first time at the same time.

What exactly is the cost of a lazy val - is there a hidden boolean flag associated with a lazy val to keep track if it has been evaluated or not, what exactly is synchronized and are there any more costs?

And a follow-up question: Suppose I do this:

class Something {
    lazy val (x, y) = { ... }

Is this the same as having two separate lazy vals x and y or do I get the overhead only once, for the pair (x, y)?

+17  A: 

It looks like the compiler arranges for a class-level bitmap int field to flag multiple lazy fields as initialized (or not) and initializes the target field in a synchronized block if the relevant xor of the bitmap indicates it is necessary.


class Something {
  lazy val foo = getFoo
  def getFoo = "foo!"

produces sample bytecode:

 0  aload_0 [this]
 1  getfield blevins.example.Something.bitmap$0 : int [15]
 4  iconst_1
 5  iand
 6  iconst_0
 7  if_icmpne 48
10  aload_0 [this]
11  dup
12  astore_1
13  monitorenter
14  aload_0 [this]
15  getfield blevins.example.Something.bitmap$0 : int [15]
18  iconst_1
19  iand
20  iconst_0
21  if_icmpne 42
24  aload_0 [this]
25  aload_0 [this]
26  invokevirtual blevins.example.Something.getFoo() : java.lang.String [18]
29  putfield : java.lang.String [20]
32  aload_0 [this]
33  aload_0 [this]
34  getfield blevins.example.Something.bitmap$0 : int [15]
37  iconst_1
38  ior
39  putfield blevins.example.Something.bitmap$0 : int [15]
42  getstatic scala.runtime.BoxedUnit.UNIT : scala.runtime.BoxedUnit [26]
45  pop
46  aload_1
47  monitorexit
48  aload_0 [this]
49  getfield : java.lang.String [20]
52  areturn
53  aload_1
54  monitorexit
55  athrow

Values initialed in tuples like lazy val (x,y) = { ... } have nested caching via the same mechanism. The tuple result is lazily evaluated and cached, and an access of either x or y will trigger the tuple evaluation. Extraction of the individual value from the tuple is done independently and lazily (and cached). So the above double-instantiation code generates an x, y, and an x$1 field of type Tuple2.

Mitch Blevins
+7  A: 

This is taken from the scala mailing list and gives implementation details of lazy in terms of Java code (rather than bytecode):

class LazyTest {
  lazy val msg = "Lazy"

is compiled to something equivalent to the following Java code:

class LazyTest {
  public int bitmap$0;
  private String msg;

  public String msg() {
    if ((bitmap$0 & 1) == 0) {
        synchronized (this) {
            if ((bitmap$0 & 1) == 0) {
                synchronized (this) {
                    msg = "OK";
            bitmap$0 = bitmap$0 | 1;
    return msg;

I think the implementation must've changed since this Java version was posted in 2007. There is only one synchronized block and the `bitmap$0` field is volatile in the current implementation (2.8).
Mitch Blevins
Yes - I should have paid more attention to what I was posting!