I have a huge chunk, so large that I can't manually edit the file and need to read it in and do regex operations to see what's wrong.
Basically - my server is PHP 5.1.6 and I can't update it. This features an older json_decode
which is less featured than the 5.2/5.3 versions.
returns NULL and json_last_error
is being invoked but the function doesn't exist except in PHP 5.3 so I'm manually trying to see what's wrong.
$regex = '#[^0-9"$a-zA-Z{:}().]#';
$json = preg_replace( $regex, '', $json );
$tree = json_decode ( $json, true );
var_dump($tree); // NULL
A snippet of the JSON.. somewhere in the middle
The }}}}
is suspicious but this probably just closes 4 nested object literals.
Would appreciate any insight.